Despite how it’s one of the most common forms of cancer, skin cancer is scary, daunting, and confusing. Fortunately, it’s highly treatable when detected early, and it’s often preventable.

Here’s when it’s time to schedule a screening with a skin cancer doctor near Annandale, as well as simple tips on how to find one!

5 Signs That Tell You It’s Time for a Skin Cancer Screening

Skin cancer is one of the most recognizable types of cancer. Learning to identify the signs can let you need it’s time for screening. This is something you can do at home once a month. It is essential for early detection and successful treatment and preserving your health.

Here are five key indicators that it’s time to book your screening:

  • You experience changes in existing moles. Keep an eye on your moles, especially if they change in size, shape, color, or texture. The ABCDE rule is a helpful guideline to consider when assessing your skin.
  • You have a family history of skin cancer. If you have a family history of skin cancer, especially melanoma, you should be more vigilant and consider regular screenings even if you don’t have visible symptoms.
  • You have new growths or moles. If you notice a new mole, lump, or growth on your skin, it’s important to have it checked by a doctor. Skin cancer can appear as a new spot that doesn’t resemble your other moles.
  • You struggle with persistent sores. If you have a sore that doesn’t heal within a few weeks, or if it heals and then reopens, it could be an indicator of skin cancer. Pay special attention to sores that bleed easily or ooze.
  • You’re due for your next screening. Prevention is key, which is why it’s important to book annual exams. It’s recommended to visit your dermatologist once a year, or more if you or family members have had experiences with skin cancer in the past.

How Do I Find a Skin Cancer Doctor Near Annandale That I Can Trust?

Finding a provider you can rely on during this anxiety-inducing experience is a must. This ensures that you receive an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

Here are tips for finding a reliable dermatologist:

  • Seek out referrals and recommendations. Start by asking your primary care provider for a referral to a dermatologist. You can also ask friends or family members who have had positive experiences with local doctors.
  • Check your provider’s credentials. Look for a doctor who is board certified in dermatology and has specifically completed rigorous training in regards to skin cancer. Verify their experience and inquire about how many patients they’ve treated, as well as their success rates.
  • See what their reviewers say. Look for online reviews and testimonials from their previous patients. These can provide valuable insight into the doctor’s expertise, bedside manner, and overall patient satisfaction.
  • Evaluate their communication style. It’s time to make a choice! To make this easier, book a consultation with a skin cancer doctor near Annandale to assess their quality of care, approach to communication, and experience as a whole. You should leave feeling as if your questions and concerns have been addressed in a clear manner, and that you feel safe.

Take the Next Step and Book Your Screening With Nearby Dr. Marjan Yousefi Today!

Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Marjan Yousefi completed a melanoma fellowship. Her advanced training and expertise qualify her to help you get the diagnosis and treatment you need for this condition.

Call us now at 703-255-5070 to set up an appointment for your screening. With two locations in Vienna and Arlington, the best possible care for your skin is never far away!

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About Us

Marjan Yousefi, M.D. is a board-certified dermatologist and Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. Her practice focuses on adult and pediatric dermatology, dermatologic surgery, and cosmetic procedures to enhance the skin.

Contact Us

2300 North Pershing Dr., Suite 204, Arlington, VA 22201

8230 Boone Blvd., Suite 430, Vienna, VA 22182

Office: (703) 255-5070

Fax: 703-891-9884


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