Keloid Removal in Arlington, Virginia
What Are Keloids?
Keloids, or keloid scars are a raised fibrous scar that occurs after an injury has healed. They can grow much larger than the original injury that caused the scar and are caused by excess protein or collagen in the skin during healing.
What Causes Keloid Scars?
Common causes are cuts, body piercings, burns, chicken pox, or acne. Even though you don’t know if you’ll get a keloid after a scar, there are ways you can avoid overgrowth of this type of scar tissue. It’s always best to take precautions, especially if you have dark skin. Fortunately, you can ask for a treatment as soon as scarring occurs to counter any excess protein during healing.
How Are Keloids Diagnosed?
Keloids often appear as lumpy or ridged overgrown scar tissue on and are often self-diagnosable. However, treatment requires the skill of a dermatologist.
How Are Keloids Treated?
Keloids are not extremely painful, but they can cause discomfort, such as itchy or tender skin as they grow. These sensations disappear once the growth stops. They aren’t harmful, and they don’t often require treatment. But, many people seek treatment for keloids because they often find the scar tissue reduces their self-confidence.
Keloids are often treated with corticosteroid shots which help shrink the scar. Cryotherapy, which involves freezing the scar, is also a commonly used treatment. Your dermatologist may also use laser therapy, surgical removal, or pressure treatment to remove your scar.
Where Can I Get Outstanding Keloid Treatment in Arlington?
If you want to eliminate unsightly keloid scarring with the most advanced techniques available, you can contact skilled dermatologist, Dr. Marjan Yousefi today at 703-255-5070. Dr. Yousefi offers the latest in skincare treatments for keloids, acne, and other conditions to help you feel more comfortable in your own skin!