As a parent, there is nothing more important than the health of your child. Your responsibility to find a pediatrician is vital, but did you know your child should also have a doctor specializing in medical dermatology? Finding the best pediatric dermatologist in Tysons Corner, Virginia isn’t difficult when you know what to do. Here is your guide on what to look for and why your child needs a pediatric dermatologist.

What Is a Pediatric Dermatologist? Does My Child Need One?

A pediatric dermatologist goes through the same education as an adult dermatologist. They both treat disorders of the skin, hair, and nails. But, there is one difference between the two: a pediatric dermatologist has undergone more training to diagnose and treat common dermatological conditions that affect children and teens.

Unfortunately, children aren’t exempt from serious health conditions that can present as hair, skin, or nail disorder. Consider a pediatric dermatologist an important partner in your child’s team of healthcare providers.

What Are the Most Common Skin Disorders Treated by Pediatric Dermatologists?

Children of any age can have skin, nails, and hair disorders, the most commonly treated conditions of which include chicken pox, ringworm, hives, acne, and warts.

Follow These Steps to Find the Right Pediatric Dermatologist for Your Child

Finding a pediatric dermatologist should be considered as much as finding a pediatrician. It is possible to get a referral from your child’s pediatrician, but even so, you should take time to vet the dermatologist and verify their credentials.

Here are more pro tips and factors to consider:

  • Word of mouth is often the best way to find a healthcare provider, so ask other parents who they might recommend.
  • Do some online research. You’ll gain quite a bit of information from reading reviews. Check the pediatric dermatologist’s website and social media pages.
  • One of the most important steps is to schedule a consultation so your child can meet the dermatologist. The best pediatric dermatologist in Tysons Corner isn’t just highly qualified but should also be one who puts your child at ease.
  • Pay attention to how you feel too. Never underestimate your instincts when choosing a dermatologist for your child
  • Your child’s pediatrician should know how to ease a child’s discomfort as part of their practice.

What Should My Child Expect During Their Pediatric Dermatologist Appointment?

If this is your child’s first appointment, it will probably be the longest one. During the first appointment, you will fill out patient forms and discuss with the dermatologist your child’s medical history.

A medical assistant will take your child’s vitals before meeting with the doctor. Every appointment usually involves an examination of your child’s skin.

Whether your child has an existing condition or a new one, it’s important to share how it is impacting your child’s daily life. Bring notes if needed to help you easily recall this information.

A treatment plan will be discussed with you, as well as with your child if they are old enough to understand.

How Do I Prepare My Child For a Visit to a Pediatric Dermatologist?

Every parent worries their child will be scared at a doctor’s office, and sometimes they are. Your primary role is to remain calm and prepare your child for the visit. Your child can sense how you feel and will pick up on it if you feel nervous.

You should discuss the pending visit but with caution. Too much discussion might build it up to be a bigger deal than it is, and that can cause your child anxiety.

If you have a young child, it’s a good idea to role-play how a visit will go. Pick their favorite stuffed animal or doll and walk them through an appointment using language they understand. Some children respond well to stories. Find age-appropriate books about going to a doctor and read them to your child if they don’t yet read on their own.

Give thought to the timing of your child’s appointment too. If it is at all possible, don’t let the time interfere with your child’s normal schedule. Be mindful of nap times, meals, or other important times during the day to avoid scheduling.

Be cautious about making promises. It’s unfair to say to your child, “It won’t hurt,” when they are facing a shot or a procedure that might cause them discomfort. Again, using language they understand, explain to them what they might feel and reassure them it is temporary.

If your child is old enough, get them involved. Have them write down questions they’d like to ask or help them make a list of symptoms.

Many parents like to follow up a visit to the pediatric dermatologist with a fun activity. This is a personal choice, but be careful about using rewards as an incentive to get check-ups. Children need to learn at an early age that their health is important and that regular doctor visits are a necessary part of life.

Here’s the One Thing You Need to Know When Wondering How to Find the Best Pediatric Dermatologist in Tysons Corner, Virginia – Choose Dr. Marjan Yousefi

Choosing Dr. Yousefi is choosing to put your child’s health in the hands of a highly qualified, experienced pediatric dermatologist, and it’s a decision you won’t regret.

We understand how important it is for you to find exceptional healthcare for your child, and we strive to provide the best possible treatment, no matter the reason for your visit. We encourage you to call us today at 703-255-5070 to schedule your child’s pediatric dermatology consultation!

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About Us

Marjan Yousefi, M.D. is a board-certified dermatologist and Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. Her practice focuses on adult and pediatric dermatology, dermatologic surgery, and cosmetic procedures to enhance the skin.

Contact Us

2300 North Pershing Dr., Suite 204, Arlington, VA 22201

8230 Boone Blvd., Suite 430, Vienna, VA 22182

Office: (703) 255-5070

Fax: 703-891-9884


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