There has been a recent correlation between dermal fillers and COVID-19 vaccine reactions.
During the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine study, three patients were found to experience facial swelling.
Read more, below.
The Reaction
Two patients in the Moderna study were found to have a swelling reaction that has been attributed to the vaccine in response to facial fillers.
A third patient had received filler injections before being injected with the vaccine but didn’t experience swelling until a few days later.
Is Moderna’s Vaccine Safe for Filler Patients?
Many medical professionals have reviewed the study and evaluated that the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine far outweigh any potential side effects for patients with dermal fillers.
In fact, this side effect is so rare that it is not considered to be a common side effect at all.
How Do Doctors Treat Facial Swelling?
The most important thing to consider is that swelling in the face due to vaccine administration is considered to be a very mild side effect.
In fact, swelling is easily treated by a medical professional.
The Final Recommendation
Having a history of dermal fillers should not sway anyone from seeking out the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.
However, if you have any more questions or hesitations we always recommend speaking with a trusted medical professional so that you can feel confident about this personal decision
More on Dermal Fillers and COVID-19 Vaccine
Marjan Yousefi, M.D. is a board-certified dermatologist and Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology.
Her practice focuses on adult and pediatric dermatology, dermatologic surgery, and cosmetic procedures to enhance the skin.
We are proud to offer the COVID-19 vaccines to help our patients fight back against the Coronavirus pandemic.
To schedule your injection with Dr. Yousefi, or to learn more about the vaccine in relation to dermal filler patients, please call us today at (703)255-5070.