Quite frankly, acne can be a nightmare to deal with, especially if it’s severe. What causes it? What can you do about it? Where can you find the best dermatologist to fix acne in Tysons Corner, Virginia? Keep reading to find out!

What Is Severe Acne? What Causes It in the First Place?

While the occasional breakout is annoying enough as is, severe acne is irritating, painful, and unbelievably stubborn. Severe acne tends to appear in many different forms, typically in many breakouts or as cysts.

More than a handful of minor blemishes, severe acne typically includes cysts, inflamed nodules, and other unpleasant blemishes. Many patients with severe acne tend to also experience swelling, scarring, or even hard and painful lesions.

Severe acne is caused the same way as any other form of acne. It occurs when hair follicles in your skin become blocked or clogged. This occurs due to your sebaceous glands, found near the surface of your skin, producing too much sebum.

Sebum is the oily substance your sebaceous glands produce to lubricate your hair and skin. This prevents skin and hair from drying out. When excess sebum mixes with dead skin cells, it forms a plug in your hair follicle, creating either a whitehead or blackhead.

The normally harmless bacteria on your skin then contaminates and infects the clogged follicles, causing severe acne in the form of cysts, nodules, papules, or pustules.

Some people are more prone to severe acne than others, thanks to puberty, hormones, genetics, polycystic ovarian syndrome, certain medications, and other causes.

Can a Dermatologist Help Me With My Severe Acne?

Thankfully, this severe acne doesn’t have to be permanent. That being said, DIY acne treatments aren’t necessarily enough for this aggressive and persistent form of acne. Meeting with a dermatologist is a surefire way to guarantee long-term acne management for even the most severe cases.

A dermatologist is a doctor that specializes in hair, skin, and nails. They are specifically trained to identify and treat conditions involving these parts of your body, capable of treating more than 3,000 conditions. So, acne certainly isn’t intimidating to a dermatologist, whether it’s severe or otherwise.

With this advanced knowledge in virtually everything skin-related, a dermatologist will assess your skin, take a look at your health history and current health situation, and recommend appropriate treatment based on your specific type of acne and its potential cause.

If you’re not sure how to find a dermatologist, ask your primary care provider for a referral to one within your network, or even check your insurance’s website to see the list of dermatologists covered by them. Searching both locally and otherwise will also increase your chances of finding an exceptional dermatologist.

Don’t hesitate to do your research and ask others who have experienced severe acne like yours as well about their experience with healing their acne, what they did, and who they went to.

What Treatments Are Available for Severe Acne?

It’s important to understand that any acne product you can pick up at your local drugstore won’t be enough to tackle severe acne. This is why it’s important to meet with a dermatologist for effective treatments for severe acne.

Each case of severe acne is based on individual circumstances, meaning you need personalized treatment based on your specific needs. This treatment comes in many different forms.

A dermatologist may recommend the use of antibiotics, which work by decreasing the bacteria in and on your skin as well as reducing inflammation and discomfort. This leads to clearer skin and fewer breakouts.

Retinoids are another common powerhouse for defeating acne. Isotretinoin might sound familiar to you, as it’s one of the most common medications used for treating severe acne. That being said, your dermatologist may recommend a retinoid cream or gel instead of oral medication.

If you experience acne lesions, the use of diluted steroid injections has shown to be highly beneficial for these lesions. These are best for particularly large spots and reduce both inflammation and size of lesion within 24 to 72 hours. This, however, is not ideal for long-term acne management.

If hormones are the culprit of your severe acne, an oral contraceptive might be best for you. Increased testosterone is a known cause of acne. However, the estrogen found in oral contraceptives helps balance out your hormones to address this cause of your acne.

At-Home Acne Treatments

These are just a few of the ways your dermatologist can help you manage your severe acne in either the long term or the short term. However, at-home care is another key element in keeping your severe acne under control to prevent scarring or worsening.

Caring for your severe acne at home involves gentle washing with a mild cleanser twice a day and taking special care to remove dirt, sweat, and makeup. The use of sunscreen and dermatologist-recommended products are just as important.

Take care to avoid sun exposure, harsh products such as exfoliants, alcohol, and astringents, and picking at your acne. While your response might be to squeeze, pop, scrub, or dry out your acne, it can actually make it worse and even cause scarring.

Where Can I Find the Best Dermatologist to Fix Acne in Tysons Corner, Virginia?

Let us save you the tricky part and guide you to the best dermatologist to fix acne in Tysons Corner, Virginia! Dr. Yousefi is a one-of-a-kind, board-certified dermatologist with a patient-first approach, honoring your individual needs and providing acne treatment that works.

Contact us at 703-255-5070 to book your appointment today.

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Marjan Yousefi, M.D. is a board-certified dermatologist and Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. Her practice focuses on adult and pediatric dermatology, dermatologic surgery, and cosmetic procedures to enhance the skin.

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